Aldridge Transport Museum
Displaying the legacy of road transport in the West Midlands
Aston Manor Road Transport Museum

DDA70 - Guy Wolf Ambulance






Guy Wolf Ambulance


Guy Motors


Guy works Green

Further reading

This vehicle can be seen in the livery it had as the Guy Motors works ambulance from 1938 until 1968. From 1951, it was usually driven by Ray Beresford who worked in the Service Dept. and later in the Experimental Dept. In the back are original type stretchers, showing how basic medical care was compared with the sophisticated ambulances of today. The chassis was intended to be a dustcart, but Guy had the body built on it to utilise the low loading height. A Meadows petrol engine is fitted, with a four-speed Guy gearbox.

During its service with Guy, it was painted in the green livery for many years, becoming maroon in the last few years of its working life. After entering preservation, on loan to the Guy Owners Club, it was repainted cream and black for a television programme, and, after passing to the Museum, it was repainted in the original green livery in 2014.